Browsing articles from "August, 2011" Email Address Access

Aug 15, 2011   //   by admin   //   Web Support  //  No Comments

Hello, all!

A few of you approached me after yesterday’s board meeting to ask about accessing your email address. It occured to me that I can just post the information here for everyone’s benefit. I have no earthly idea why it didn’t occur to me to do this sooner!

There are two ways to access your email address. Yes, you can use both.


  1. In your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.), visit
  2. Enter your entire email address as your username (e.g.
  3. Enter the password sent via email (it’s likely still NewRCNAcct) for most of you, I think).
  4. Use the Web interface to read and send mail. This system is similar to other provider’s ‘webmail’ like Comcast and other service providers offer.

Installed Mail Application

Mail programs are all different, but are similar in the regard that somewhere they contain a place to enter the below information. I will give instructions for Microsoft Outlook below. If you require assitance with setting up your particular email program on your computer or smart phone, please let me know!

Outlook 2007

  1. Doubleclick on Microsoft Outlook to launch the program.
  2. Click on the Tools menu across the top (File, Edit, View…. Tools).
  3. Click on “Account Settings”
  4. On the Email tab, click “New”.
  5. At the botton of the window that appears click “Manually configure server settings or additional server types.
  6. Click Next >.
  7. Make sure that “Internet E-mail” is selected then click Next >.
  8. The Add New E-mail Account” window will appear. Complete the screen as follows:
    1. Your Name: This is how your name will appear to others receiving your emails (e.g. “Joshua March” or “Josh March”
    2. Email Address: This is your complete email address (e.g.
    3. Account Type: Select IMAP (preferred) or POP3.
    4. Incoming Mail Server: If you selected IMAP, use If you selected POP3, use
    5. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Use
    6. User Name:  This is your complete email address (e.g.
    7. This is the password you received by email (it’s likely still NewRCNAcct) for most of you, I think).
    8. Check the “Remember Password” box.
    9. Click on the “More Settings…” button.
    10. Click on the “Outgoing Server” tab.
    11. Click “My outgoing server requires authentication.
    12. Click “Use same settings as my incoming mail server”.
    13. Click “OK”.
    14. Click “Next >”.
    15. Click “Close”.
    16. There is no 16–you’re done!

Outlook 2003

  1. Doubleclick on Microsoft Outlook to launch the program.
  2. Click on the Tools menu across the top (File, Edit, View…. Tools).
  3. Click on “Account Settings”
  4. Click the “Add” button.
  5. Click IMAP (preferred) or POP3 and then click “Next >”
  6. The Internet Email Settings” window will appear. Complete the screen as follows:
    1. Your Name: This is how your name will appear to others receiving your emails (e.g. “Joshua March” or “Josh March”
    2. Email Address: This is your complete email address (e.g.
    3. User Name: This is your complete email address (e.g.
    4. Password you received by email (it’s likely still NewRCNAcct) for most of you, I think).
    5. Check the “Remember Password” box.
    6. Incoming Mail Server: If you selected IMAP, use If you selected POP3, use
    7. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Use
    8. Click on the “More Settings…” button.
    9. Click on the “Outgoing Server” tab.
    10. Click “My outgoing server requires authentication.
    11. Click “Use same settings as my incoming mail server”.
    12. Click “OK”.
    13. Click “Next >”.
    14. Click “Finish”.
    15. There is no 15–you’re done!

Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions– setting up mail rarely goes through without a hitch and I’m happy to assist you in getting your account setup. Thanks!


Events at Rosedale

Aug 10, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

August 2011

Job Corp Meeting: August 16th from 10:30-2 pm at the church.

All church picnic: August 27th from 11am-2pm More information to follow.

Water Baptismal service will be held August 28th at 2pm  at the home of Norma and Rene Martinez.  Anyone desiring to be baptized should contact Pastor Tony as soon as possible. Directions can be obtained by contacting a board member or seeing pastor Tony.

September 2011

Church Membership classes will begin on Sunday, September 4th during the Sunday School hour from 9;30-10:15 am with Pastor Tony in his office. They will run for three consecutive sundays. We will take in new members on Membership Sunday, September 25th, during our morning service. If you would like more information, please talk to Pastor Tony.

Missionary Dinner: September 18th after morning service. (Gideons presentation)

Momentum conference at Fairview village Church of the Naazrene: 8:30-4pm See Jess Nordai for more information.

October 2011

Baby Dedication Sunday is October 9th during our morning service. Anyone wanting to dedicate their child should contact Pastor Tony

Men’s outing to Washington D.C: See Ben Nordai for more information (all day outing).

We will be receiving Holy Communion during the morning service on October 16th.


Annual Church Picnic

Aug 9, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Come out and enjoy a time of fellowship and fun at this year’s church picnic! Saturday, August 27 from 11:00am until 2:00pm we will be at the church for a refreshing afternoon.

The church will provide the paper products and grill. You are asked to bring your own meat to grill and a side and drink to share. I look forward to seeing everyone there!


A Housekeeping Note on Website Housekeeping!

Aug 9, 2011   //   by admin   //   Web Support  //  No Comments

Greetings, team!

First and foremost, a big thank you to each of you who have been regularly or even semi-regularly accessing the website and providing content out there for the congregation–and the world–to see and interact with. This is the ONLY thing that will make the difference between our website being a relevant, interactive, and faith-building tool to the congregation and being just a list of static information that web surfers might stumble upon while looking for something else.

Second, I have a request! I have noticed that, for those of you who have been publishing regularly, there has been a desire to ‘trash’ older posts as time passes and the event moves further into the past. I would urge you not to do this for the following reasons:

  1. Posts in each category are displayed in reverse chronological order–perhaps just like your emails are. People understand that things at the top of the list are current and that things further down the list may apply to past events. We should not view the information we post on the website the same way that we see information placed on the ligthed marquee out in front of the building; unlike the sign, all posts on the website are stamped with a date and time that is clearly visible on each post’s header; e.g. it’s a reasonable assumption that no one will show up next Monday for VBS at 6:30 because we clearly listed the dates and times and took down the big frontpage spread concerning it.
  2. Past posts still provide useful information! For example, if I was curious as to how many kids attended our last VBS, I could still look up the info on some of Jess’ old posts. If she were to trash her post just because the date had passed, then that information would no longer be available to find.
  3. Removing posts also deletes comments that others had posted on it. This means that if there was a dicussion or conversation occuring in the comments that it would just disappear without anyone able to add anything to it.
  4. Removing older posts ecreases our searchable content to search engines and the outside world, giving web surfers fewer opportunities to find and browse our website.
  5. It is important to remember that search engines (google, yahoo, etc) do not have ‘live’ databases of every webpage in the world. They instead have constantly-running programs that basically go out and index everything they can find as fast as they can find them. This means that if you write a post today, Google finds it tomorrow, and you trash the post next week, Google will still show your page in its search results to websurfers. This means that those who would click on these links would get those annoying “Error 404: page cannot be displayed” errors. (Our analytics engine shows that this has already happened several times). I don’t know about you, but when a website I visit has multiple “page cannot be displayed” errors, I quickly go somewhere else.

Now, that being said, if you have posted something inaccurately or even inappropriately, then the delete button is your friend. I would advise, however, that in most cases if a post has been up for more than a day or so that, instead of deleting it outright, that you update it with new information even if you remove the old. Example: If you post that event XYZ is on September 1 and the event is later cancelled, it may (in most) situations be advisable to update the post that XYZ for September 1 has been cancelled (or postponed or whatever) rather than just delete it. Deleting it outright may make readers simply wonder where the post went and not assume that a post that they cannot locate = a cancelled event.

The plus side is that trashed posts can be restored up to thirty days after being trashed. So you can change your mind and put it back easily! If you have any question as to the value of leaving a specific post up or not, please feel free to ask me!

Finally, just a heads-up not to feel personally attacked if (read: when) I make spelling/grammar edits to content that you post. I will always touch it as little as possible; but because we are publishing to the world here, we need not to hold back any resources at our disposal to make our words as presentable as possible! However, on the flip side of this, if I make a change that you feel was inappropriate or that changed the meaning or intent of your content, then, by all means, let me know and I shall change it back straight away!

Thanks for your time and feel free to let me know your thoughts below if anyone has any additional thoughts. Thanks again!


Do you expect a miracle?

Aug 9, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  No Comments

Truth be told, what do you expect to happen today? This week? This month? This year? Do you live everyday like you are in survival mode or are you living in an expectation that right around the corner is something amazing that the Lord is going to do?  The Bible tells us to “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matt. 7:7) How many of us live that way? As pastor of a small but healthy and growing church, how many are asking God for things that are bigger than themselves or bigger than what they can muster up themselves? God is still in the miracle business but we are not asking for Him to do any!

We go to work, we have our moment in church and we don’t think bigger than that. There is a new way that you can look at this world! It is through the eyes of God. We have all experienced divine moments, supernatural provisions; we have all said , “I’ll never forget the time that…” Yet, that is what we have done: forgotten that God is still in the business of taking care of His people and blessing those who dare to have a living faith instead of watered-down memories. How about this week, you come to God with a heart of expectaion not only for a miracle in your life, but that you might be a tool that God could use to provide a miracle in someone else’s life? This would be living the way God intended us to.

 Pastor Tony


Sunday Morning Worship Celebration, 08/07/11

Aug 8, 2011   //   by Joshua March   //   Worship  //  1 Comment

What an exciting week in music and praising the Lord!

The Worship Team was very excited to share with you a new song (or at least new to Rosedale). Open the Eyes of My Heart exemplifies the attitude of praise and seeking that we should strive to have in our everyday walk of faith. This song reminds us that a deeper walk of faith is an intentional act and that until we make a decision to allow the Lord to open the ‘eyes’ of our hearts, we will never experience a deeper relationship with Him.

I also want to say a big thanks and an even bigger wow to Dale for sharing his song with us! It is unfortunate that the majority of you do not get the chance to know Dale like the rest of the Worship Team does and get to know his heart and passion for allowing the Lord to reveal music to him. And on a personal note, Dale, on more than one occasion, you have been an inspiration to me in my musical journey of faith as I work to develop my talents for the Lord’s service. Thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used of the Lord!

As always, thanks for your prayer and support. We already have another new song in the works and you can expect to hear it in just a few weeks.

See you next Sunday!



Aug 4, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  1 Comment

Good morning everyone!

As I get back in the saddle of working after having a great time with family and friends, I find myself reflecting on what is important. Vacation has a way of telling us that we need a time away and a time of refreshing.  The precious time I spent on my mother’s pier fishing, time spent thinking about all the great people God has brought into my life, and my quiet time as I seek to find direction and strength for what the Lord still has for me to do: all these have importance. Don’t let your time slip away with the busyness of life. Take time this week to see the value of friendship and the value of the people God has blessed you with. You are a precious gift to me and my family, and the best place to be is in the wonderful arms and presence of Jesus!


Pastor tony




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