VBS Work Days
I know what you’re thinking… it’s only April. Who is really thinking about VBS?
The answer to that is simple; we all should be!
Work days are scheduled and on the church calendar. Here is the list as well;
- Thursday 4/19 6:00 – 8:00pm
- Saturday 5/5 9:00 – 11:00am
- Tuesday 5/29 6:00 – 8:00pm
More days will be scheduled. We need all hands on deck in order to be able to go Operation Overboard!
If you have any questions, please contact Jess Nordai. I cannot wait to see everything there helping to make Rosedale into an undersea adventure!!!
Full Speed Ahead!
Rosedale’s Projection System (and related remodel) is on the way!
We’ve just signed the paperwork yesterday and the equipment is being ordered. We expect to see the actual installation start in just 5-6 weeks. The installation might be so fast that it’s completely done between Sundays–so what a change we’ll all be in for when we come in on that first Sunday after it being completed!
We’re all very much looking forward to just how the Lord will use this project to minister to both us and our community. If you’re interested in supporting the project financially, remember that you can mark your donation as “projection” or “multimedia’ and include it in your Sunday morning offering.
And if you’re interested in supporting the new system with your time and energy, please consider becoming part of the new Worship Media Ministry!
Stay excited–and in prayer–for Rosedale as we move forward!
Community Day – THIS SATURDAY
How are you spending your Saturday? I hope that from 11am – 1pm you are spending time with us!
Please join us for Community Day on March 31, 2012. During this time we will have crafts, games, prizes, food, a bounce house, and egg hunts. The hunts will start at 11:15 for the 0-2 age group. The rest of the hunts will have a staggered start time so that parents can enjoy watching all their children search for eggs.
Please contact Jess Nordai or the church office (717-939-3740) with any questions. We look forward to spending time with your family on Saturday!
Vacation Bible School – Operation Overboard
What are you most excited for with this year’s VBS? What are you expecting God to do? Please let me know. Your excitement keeps my batteries charged!
Progressive Dinner – POSTPONED
Due to a few schedule problems, the progressive dinner is postponed. Stay tuned for the exact date most likely in late April or early May!
Moving the clocks forward
Good morning Church,
Just a reminder that the clocks move forward one hour this Saturday night before you go to bed. I would not want anyone to miss church because of a time change. Look forward……to a great service.
Pastor Tony
Community Day Requests
Hello everyone! I want to thank you once again for your commitment to the community surrounding our church. You are God’s hands and feet!
I come before you again to ask you to continue our ministry of outreach. On March 31st we will be hosting the second annual community day at the church from 11am until 1pm. During this time we will have egg hunts, games, crafts, food and more. Alas, I am one person and I would need to become Ocho the Octopus (our VBS mascot) if I were to do this on my own. I need your help.
Areas of need include games, food, crafts, set-up and tear down. If you are able to give any of your time on the 31st or the 30th please let me know. There is a sign-up sheet at church for you to express your preferred area of service.
Also, I am looking for donations. We do have some hot dogs frozen, but we will be looking for about 2 dozen more. Also we will need hot dog buns, ketchup, mustard, 2 cases of water, 2 cases of soda, and snack packs of chips. I also have a sign up sheet for these items.
Lastly, the Easter egg hunt. We do have more than 2,000 eggs that I would like to fill. I need your help. These eggs get filled with small, individually wrapped candies. I will have a donations container set out for any candy that would be donated. If you are interested instead of getting a bag of eggs to fill, please let me know. I have them counted out in sets of 150 that I can easily give to you to purchase candy and fill.
I want to say thank you once more. You are an amazing body of people who are doing what God has called us to do. I pray that we continue to live out His great commission.
In His Service,
Jess Nordai
2nd Annual Community Day
Rosedale will be hosting its SECOND ANNUAL COMMUNITY DAY on March 31, 2012 from 11:00am until 1:00pm.
We will have an Easter egg hunt (2000+ eggs) starting at 11:15 with staggered starts for the ages groups. Children will be split into the following groups
- 0 – 2
- 3 – 6
- 7 and over
There will also be food, crafts, games and more! Please join us for this opportunity for springtime fun. We look forward to seeing you and your children there! If you have any questions feel free to contact the church office at 717/939-3740.
The rain date for Community Day is April 7th.
Progressive Dinner
It was just said the other week, “It’s been awhile since we’ve had a progressive dinner.”
That time is here again. There is a progressive dinner scheduled for March 17th from 4:00pm – 9:00pm. This was a fantastic time of friends, fellowship and food last year. I know this year will be the same!
At this time, I am looking for hosts/hostesses who are willing to open their home and share their favorite course with their church family. If you are interested in opening your home for this adults time of fellowship or if you would like to attend, please contact Jess Nordai.
I hope to see everyone there!
Announcing the New Worship Media Ministry Team!
Rosedale’s Video Projection System is on the way!
…but wait– there’s more!
While the Video Projection System promises to give Rosedale many exciting new ways to minister, the System itself brings several new ministry opportunities to Rosedale as well! These new ministry impacts are such that we’re reorganizing how we do both video and audio tasks! Yes, together they make up the new Worship Media Ministry!
The following are Worship Media Ministry areas that will need addressed as we move into this new chapter in our Church’s life. Interested in several areas? No problem! Only able to help every other week? No problem! We’ll work together to find the participation level that’s right for you.
- Critcal Need: Creating video presentations for worship songs.
- Critcal Need: Creating weekly video “announcement loops” for display before Sunday services (would include birthdays and anniversaries).
- Critcal Need: Creating themed video presentations for holidays and special services.
- Creating video Scipture and Responsive Reading ‘”slides” as needed by service requirements.
- Creating graphics, logos, or other copy as needed.
- Develop new ways to use media within worship services., within the Church building, and for events.
- Develop new ways to use media on Rosedale’s website.
- Critcal Need: Running video presentation software and related video equipment during Sunday Morning Worship and other activities.
- Running sound board and related audio equipment during Sunday Morning Worship and other activities.
- Photography of people, Church building, and events.
- Videography and interview of people and events.
- Administration of Rosedale’s website’s media content: video, pictures, and sound.
Now don’t fool yourself into thinking you have to be an artist, graphic designer, or computer tech to help in these areas (though those things certainly won’t hurt)! The Media Ministry Team will work together to best utilize our God-given gifts for His glory in creative and technical ways! If you feel God has given you a gift related to anything creative or technical in a presentation environment, then the Worship Media Ministry Team just may be for you! See Josh for details or to sign up!