Full Speed Ahead!
Rosedale’s Projection System (and related remodel) is on the way!
We’ve just signed the paperwork yesterday and the equipment is being ordered. We expect to see the actual installation start in just 5-6 weeks. The installation might be so fast that it’s completely done between Sundays–so what a change we’ll all be in for when we come in on that first Sunday after it being completed!
We’re all very much looking forward to just how the Lord will use this project to minister to both us and our community. If you’re interested in supporting the project financially, remember that you can mark your donation as “projection” or “multimedia’ and include it in your Sunday morning offering.
And if you’re interested in supporting the new system with your time and energy, please consider becoming part of the new Worship Media Ministry!
Stay excited–and in prayer–for Rosedale as we move forward!