Happy New Year
Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope that you are anticipating a great and prosperous New Year for 2013.
You know what makes a New Year good? Learning from our mistakes of the previous year and trusting God to help us not make them again in the coming year. Often we hear words like ‘getting in the groove’, but I think that is what gets us in trouble: getting right back in the same spot we were before and doing the same old thing the same old way!
Here is a quick and easy receipe for the New Year
- Smile. It takes all the pressure off yourself and places it on someone else on what they will do with it.
- Spend time quietly with the Lord every day. You will be surprised what He wants to say to you.
- Don’t waste time with gossip. Focus on positive things.
- Life is too short to waste time hating anyone or anything.
- No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
I plan to do a sermon this Sunday entitled “What Can I Expect From 2013”
Start thinking about today,
Pastor Tony