Sandy loooses her grip
Good morning everyone,
I am sitting at my desk and reflecting on the past 24-36 hours. Maybe, like me you have spent it concerned for life and property and the last few days have been a stressed time. I spent Sunday into Monday preparing my house for the storm and picking up all the little yard ornaments and securing the grill so that they do not blow into the neighbors yard. I got my exercise running up and down the basement steps every half hour to make sure that water does not again come into the basement. I strategically drove my wife to work Monday so that there was not a chance of a flooded parking lot damaging our car. Now Tuesday morning after the fact, I take inventory of my “Stuff” and find that it all seems to be here or at least all the essentials seem to be in place. I am so blessed by God, not because of my stuff being spared, but because my family is safe, my church family as far as I know seems to be managing in the storm. I see on the news many people who are far worse off than I am, and I am thankful! I am thankful for a church family that sometimes experiences a few storms but always remembers why we do what we do. Hurricane Sandy may have blown some of our stuff around, she may have inconvenienced us for a few hours, but she did not cause us to loss our walk and appreciation for the great things that God is doing and will do in the life of those who’s hearts remain steadfast on Him. I hope you made it through this storm, and I hope and pray that while preparing for the next storm that you put your trust and security in the Lord.
Blessings to you,
Pastor Tony