Enjoying the Ride at Rosedale

Jul 17, 2012   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  No Comments

As our church prepares for the second night of Vacation Bible School, I reflect back on all the hard work that has gotten us to this point. It is a team of 20-25 people being dedicated to the cause of reaching kids for Christ and showing them that we love them also as well as all the hours of prep and sweat equity that goes into the project that has become our superbowl of outreach. You would think that positive response would be 100 percent, participation would be 100 percent, and the excitement of the end result would be 100 percent. The longer that I pastor, the only thing I know 100 percent is that you will not get 100 percent.

I quit struggling and worrying and taking myself so seriously– well, at least becasue I have a great team of leaders around me, I am getting better at not worrying!  We let God build His house. We work hard, do what we know to do, and commit all the circumstances over to the Lord. We’ve quit living and dying on every sermon and every worship song and started to enjoy where the Lord is taking our church. When someone leaves the church or some visitor doesn’t return, we let them go in our heads and in our hearts, thanking the Lord for the opportunity to minister but also realizing that the Lord is the only One who can change a heart. We are enjoying the people who are here–who choose to be here, and not so much on the ones that you have to beg. This is a freeing moment! The moment you begin enjoying the ride is the moment you begin to walk with the Lord on a journey of faith.

Enjoy the ride, Church.

Pastor  Tony


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