Mandatory VBS Informational Meeting
Okay, it is now really crunch time in preparing for this year’s Vacation Bible School, OPERATION OVERBOARD! We are getting ready to Dare to Go Deep With God!
For anyone interested in helping to make this week a success by giving of your time, please attend the final MANDATORY informational meeting scheduled on Saturday, July 7th at 7:00pm.
During this meeting you will find out what the divers in training will be studying in the Bible, some of the songs they will be singing, crafts they will be making, meet our underwater guide, Ocho and get a sneak taste of some of the yummy snacks! You will also learn about some of the new procedures in place for this year.
For those of you who attended the April or June meeting, you do not have to attend this meeting, unless you want more yummy snacks and to listen to the awesome music again! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Jess Nordai. Thank you for all your support to make this VBS a swimming success!