Tipping Point
The construction for the Multi-media projection project will begin in 10 days!
This has been a long process coming with alot of thought and hard work put into it to bring us to this pivital stage. I look at this momment in the life of Rosedale as a “tipping point”– a point where we can go to the next level of worship and reach a new group of worshippers who are technology-minded to join us. This group of young people knows its way around computers, and are extremely familiar with iPads and smartphones, and is not hung up on doing everything the old way.
I know this 55-year-old pastor is looking forward to experiencing and enjoying the freedom of getting out of our little box and exploring and seeing what is on the other side of the barrier walls we have in place. There are a lot of “New and Improved” products out there today and just because they are labeled new does not make them the correct product. However, the same applies to old and traditional, just because something is labeled safe and secure–oops, old and traditional– does not mean it is the only way to do something. Please be in prayer as we lauch into a new worship experience and please also be in prayer for how this new technology might reach someone that you know.
In Luke 17, Jesus is speaking to His disciples about sin, faith, and the duty we have as belivers. Jesus makes such a plead to them that they realize that without His help that they cannot do it. In verse 5, they ask the Lord to “increase our faith”. Jesus responds back that it is not about increasing their faith, but excercising the faith that they already have. It is not about more faith; it is about better faith! As we move into this new and exciting time, let’s trust the Lord to move on the hearts of His people and take us to a new level of love for the Lord.
Living exciting times together,
Pastor Tony