Looking to 2012
Good morning church family,
I hope everyone is recovering from the busy Christmas season and the pain for some of going back to work. Every year we think about the new year with the hope that it will be better in some way than the previous one . Every year we promise ourselves that we will change what needs to be changed, make right what needs to be made right. Is this year going to be different for you? Are you really going to stop making bad choices? Are you really going to entrust your life to the only one that can change you from the inside out?
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he [she] is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Just like a new year coming in, if we are in Christ, the old should be going out of our lives and the new creation that God is working on should be coming in. The only way that this new year will bear results of God working in our lives is when we know there needs to be change, we allow God to make that change. Change is not good if God is not in it. Change is not good if we know the change is not going to please God because in our haste, we make poor choices. 2012 is a brand new year, start it out by putting God first! I pray that each one of you find the new year to be all that God intended it to be for you and your family. Apostle Paul says it best- “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:9-11
Happy New Year !
Pastor Tony