Just thinking!

Oct 26, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  No Comments

I’m watching my fish in my office (I know: “Pastor, get to work!”). I sometimes think that it would be nice not to have any stress or worry about the necessities of life. After all, I feed the fish everyday; I clean the tank as they need it; I make sure that they don’t get diseased because of fungus. The fish, on the other hand, they do not even realize that their needs are being met. They constantly are searching for a way out. If they could, they would jump out only to find out that what appears to be a bigger and better ocean would actually be their death.

God has us where we are for a reason. How about looking for opportunities right where you are? We do not always get to see the big picture (the large ocean), but we do have a chance to make an impact where we are. We do have a chance to be Jesus to someone in need. We must take time not only to look at our situations, but at what God wants us to accomplish while we are in those situations. When the church (which appears as a fishbowl to many) begins to understand that we will face persecution (people tapping on the glass), and giving us dirty and crazy looks, we will make someone smile today just watching us swimming and doing what God has called us to do.

I don’t know… just thinking!


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