New Web Support Category

Oct 10, 2011   //   by admin   //   Web Support  //  No Comments

Greetings, all!

A few small changes to the website!

I have created a new Content Creators user group. This new Content Creators group now contains all users who post articles/pages on the website, no matter the content of what they post. This group includes the Church Board as well as a few others who have a need to post things for their ministries. Creating this user group enables me to set up resources that all ‘authors’ are able to access, like…

The new Web Support post category! All Content Creators have access to this protected category. Everyone who has access to this category (Church Board plus a few others) will be able to 1) access tutorials and other instructions that the general public or the congregation wouldn’t need because they don’t create content, and 2) post questions or concerns about how/if the website handles something as well as discussions for new features. Basically, think of this new category as general tech support for your ministry’s web presence. I have also since moved all existing posts that were really ‘tips’ or ‘tricks’ or general posting information into this new category.

Just please keep in mind that this is a proected category. This means:

  1. If you are marking your post as Web Support, do not choose any other categories as well. Selecting more than one category when one or more of them are protected will cause the post not to be accessible properly.
  2. Be mindful that anything you post here can be seen by the entire Church Board, Pastor, and other ministry leaders. (In other words,  keep all Board conversations in the Church Board category).
  3. Before publishing, check the Force SSL checkbox before clicking on the Publish button.

Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions!


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