Being the Church

Oct 4, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  No Comments

I was reading in Revelation 3:15-17 the words of Jesus concerning the church. It does not take us long to figure out that Jesus was talking about disoriented churches. They believed they were “okay” in being neutral. His presence was gone and they did not even know it. Whole nations live today not even acknowledging the presence or importance of God in their lives. Nations, communities, and families all feel the spiritual life being sucked right out of them and they do nothing about it.

Warnings are sounded to turn back to God and people get more irritated at the church. We have, like never before, been given a mandate to reach the people that we come into contact with. The church will explode when God’s people begin to share their faith with the people God has brought before them. We must treasure HIs presence and be alarmed when He withdraws it!  We must be looking for opportunities to touch a person with God’s love and repent when He speaks to issues in our lives.

God is doing some amazing things! Let’s make sure we are doing them under the anointing of the Lord and reaching as many people as possible. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar; you just need to believe the words of the Lord and share them with someone who is waiting to hear.

Looking forward together,

Pastor Tony


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