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Mandatory VBS Informational Meeting

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Okay, it is now really crunch time in preparing for this year’s Vacation Bible School, OPERATION OVERBOARD! We are getting ready to Dare to Go Deep With God!

For anyone interested in helping to make this week a success by giving of your time, please attend the final MANDATORY informational meeting scheduled on Saturday, July 7th at 7:00pm.

During this meeting you will find out what the divers in training will be studying in the Bible, some of the songs they will be singing, crafts they will be making, meet our underwater guide, Ocho and get a sneak taste of some of the yummy snacks! You will also learn about some of the new procedures in place for this year.

For those of you who attended the April or June meeting, you do not have to attend this meeting, unless you want more yummy snacks and to listen to the awesome music again! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Jess Nordai. Thank you for all your support to make this VBS a swimming success!


VBS Work Day

Jun 5, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

With only 40 days to go, it’s now full fledged VBS mode! Fish are coming off the production line, but we still need your help! There is tracing, cutting and coloring to be done. Plus much, MUCH more. There are quite a few work days scheduled. If you could consider giving any of your time and talents to this endeavor it would be appreciated.

You can find the list of current dates and times below.

6/11       2-4pm

6/19      2-4pm

6/21      6-8pm

6/25      6-8pm

6/30      10a-12p

7/5        1-3p AND 6-8p



Mandatory VBS Meeting

Jun 5, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

If you were unable to attend the April meeting, but are interested in serving at this year’s Vacation Bible School, OPERATION OVERBOARD, please plan on attending the meeting this week.

Thursday, June 7 from 6:00 – 8:00pm you will get a sneak peek at all our program has in store for you and for the kids. It is a fun time filled with laughter, learning and FOOD!

Mark your calendars and we’ll see you Thursday at 6pm!


Sound Room Solitary Confinement

May 28, 2012   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News  //  1 Comment

I found this picture of George in the old sound room. Three words describe the room….tight , isolated, outdated. I still cannot believe the change.

George, You have been set free!


Projection System Construction Updates

May 23, 2012   //   by Joshua March   //   Announcements & General News, Worship  //  2 Comments

Looking for coverage of Rosedale’s Projection System demolition and construction? You’ve come to the right place!

Check this spot for video and pictures of the whole process, giving you all the great views but with none of the dust or need to wear safety goggles!

Week of June 18

We are up and operational! You won’t want to miss Sunday Morning Worship on July 1 when we use it for first time in a service! What a great time to invite a friend!

Day 9-10

Getting really close here! Projector is up and the screen is controllable! Just the computer, the rear-of-house LCD, and a few small things and we’re ready to go! We’re hopeful to be able to bring the system online for testing next week!

Check out the Day 9-10 video tour!

Download Video

Day 8

The screen is up and the carpet is in! Projector coming on Tuesday!

Check out the Day 8 video tour!

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Day 6-7

Painting is finished and the new desk has been wired for electricity. The screeen is coming soon!

Day 5

Electrical work is done so we can plug things in again! Painting has begun, and general clean-up has taken place. Want a look?

Aw, you don’t think I was going to spoil it for you, was I? No, you’ll have to see on Sunday for yourself!

Day 4

What a day! Not only was the drywall completed, but the plastic dust covers came down, and the remaining studs and supports were removed! And best of all– the new desk is in! And rewiring has begun!

You should have seen the view–well you will on Sunday, but, oh, to be there in person! Couldn’t be there? No problem–just check the video and pictures below!

Check out the Day 4 video tour (and, yes, the cookie-muncher knew we were filming)!

Download Video

Day 3

The first coat of drywall is back up and some more of the supports are down. Aaaaand… The new desk is here!

The good news? It looks amazing! Twelve incredible feet of “Is this thing really ours? It looks so good!” The bad news? The drywall isn’t done, so it’s sitting in the foyer instead of the Sanctuary! Here’s hoping that it finds its way to its new home tomorrow–but you’ll have to check back to see for yourself!”

Check out the Day 3 video tour!

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Day 2

The LAM beam has been installed and some of the studs are down. Rumor is they had 8 people here today working to make this happen! Check back tomorrow for even more updates!

Check out the Day 2 video tour!

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Day 1

The drywall has been removed and we’re down to bare studs. Even after just one day of (de)construction, the Sanctuary feels so open! We’ll keep bringing you the latest!

Check out the Day 1 video tour!

Download Video

VBS Work Sessions

May 16, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

Work has begun to transform Rosedale into an underwater adventure! BUT… we need your help to keep the fish swimming off the production line.

I have a great master fish creator, but she only has two hands. She can teach you however to create this underwater creatures. Plus there are scenery pieces that need traced and then colored/painted. There is a place for everyone!

Many work session have been scheduled. They are listed below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jess Nordai. We look forward to seeing everyone creating the undersea adventure by attending at least one of the work sessions. Thank you for your help to advance God’s kingdom.


Friday, May 18th             6:00-8:00pm

Tuesday, May 29th         6:00-8:00pm

Monday, June 11th          2:00 – 4:00pm

Tuesday, June 19th         2:00 – 4:00pm

Thursday, June 21st       6:00 – 8:00pm

Monday, June 25th         6:00-8:00pm

Saturday, June 30th        10:00a-12:00pm

Thursday, July 5th          1:00-3:00pm    AND    6:00-8:00pm



Rosedale’s Projection System — Coming Sooner Than You Think!

May 4, 2012   //   by Joshua March   //   Announcements & General News, Worship  //  No Comments

Two weeks.

Two weeks?

Two weeks!

Yes! We’re delighted to announce that major construction for our Video Projection System is due to begin the week of May 21! Construction should be completed by the end of the work week. In the time leading up to the 20th, the screen, projectors, and cabling will be installed; but this will have minimal impact on service activities at Rosedale.

We hope you share in our excitement on this project and understand that we want to do a kick-off with as many people present! As such, we’ll be officially ‘launching’ the system on Sunday, July 1. You won’t want to miss it!

So, if you have any love for the current ‘sound room’, I suggest you give it a great big hug some time between now and when you leave service on the 20th–because its days are literally numbered (12 as of this writing, not that I’m counting).

Stay focused on the Lord and excited for what He’s doing at Rosedale!


Child Protection Program – UPDATE

Apr 23, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

As previously mentioned Rosedale is implementing a Child Protection Program. Anyone who works with children is required to take the training before June 1st. There are two training sessions scheduled:

  • This Saturday, April 28 from 12:00 – 3:00pm
  • Sunday, May 20 from 12:30 – 3:00pm (immediately following service)

Space is limited for each session due to the format of the training. The Sunday, May 20 session is FULL. If you cannot attend the April 28 session, please contact Jess Nordai to make arrangements to receive the training. Thank you for your cooperation in making the Child Protection Program a success and protecting God’s precious children.


Church Work Day

Apr 16, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Spring has sprung and so have the weeds! Come out on Saturday, April 28 at 8:00am to help clean-up the exterior of the church.

Let Ben Nordai know if you are planning to attend.



Child Protection Program

Apr 16, 2012   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

Training for this new program is scheduled and we are excited to bring this program to you. This programs allows for us to take all precautions in safeguarding children and our church.

Anyone who works with children, even if at just one event throughout the year, MUST attend one session of training. If you do not complete the training, you will not be able to work with children within the church. Please plan on spending a few hours of your time learning what you can do to protect children and yourself.

  • The first session is scheduled for Saturday, April 28 from 12:00 – 3:00pm.
  • The second session is scheduled for Sunday, May 20 from 12:00 – 3:00pm (directly following worship).

Due to the format of the training, space is limited in each session. Please sign up for one of the sessions on the sign-up sheets in the foyer. If you have any questions about the program or the training that is required do not hesitate to contact Jess Nordai. I look forward to having everyone trained and ready to better serve and protect God’s precious little ones.




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