Being Smart

Aug 31, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Pastor's Corner  //  2 Comments

For we are not fighting against human beings but against  the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and  cosmic powers of this dark age. So put on God’s armor now! Then when the evil  day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy’s attacks; and after fighting  to the end, you will still hold your ground. So stand ready, with truth as a  belt tight around your waist, with righteousness as your breastplate …. (Ephesians 6:12-14 TEV)

That verse has struck home with me this morning. As Christians, we are fighting each other rather than realizing who the real enemy of our lives is. Would you consider this week taking time to pray that the Lord would make you sensitive to what He desires to do in your life and in the life of those that you love? Would you intentionally lift up your church family and those that you know that have been struggling with some issues in their lives? Would you lift up your pastor that I would hear from Heaven as we move forward in the call that the Lord has given us? Spiritual battles can only be won in the spiritual realm. We must cry out to God to intervine on our behalf. As we continue in the sermon series “The Fruit of the Spirit”, would you be praying that the Lord will do something amazing in our lives? P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens!)

Miracles are right around the corner….we just have to get around the corner!


Pastor Tony



  • Amen Rich!
    The church does not need to be emergent, it needs to be faithful to God’s Word . We would see alot more miracles if we were looking for them and not caught up in our own circumstances all the time.


  • Miracles are every day…our Heavenly Father giving us another time to spread HIS word, hoping and praying that through our words, actions and prayers we bring at least one more into the Light of being a Child of The Kingdom and more praises from the Angels on High. I am glad I experienced two big miracles in the past few years..the miracle to hear the Lord’s pleas and word, again, and return to my Nazarene Christian roots, as well as the miracle of an annointing and prayers that healed in just a few hours…PRAISE GOD!!!

    I agree, we do need to pray for our fellow Christians of other demominations as well as inside our own denomination. We need to ask our Father to give members the leadership to correct things such as welcoming homosexuals as members and clergy, which is tearing apart Churches and allowing Satan to further infiltrate Christendom. As Paul so eloquently stated, we truly need to pray for the Armour of God to be our constant protection as our earthly world and moral fiber continues to deteriorate. We need to pray for harmony and a oneness in Christ of the Church Body to eliminate discord that is closing doors. We need to pray for the Nazarene Leadership to elimiante the seed of emergence that will only denegrate and defile the standards of holiness by which we wholly abide and believe in. Further, we must not forget thast we need to vigilantly pray about God’s chosen, the people Israel, for we as gentiles are grafted in and we can not forget that or forget them.


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