Browsing articles in "Announcements & General News"

42 Days and Counting

Oct 22, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

That is all there is until this year’s Christmas program at Rosedale, “Ewe’s Clues!”

If you are interested in helping out with this year’s program, either under the stage lights or behind the curtain, please contact Jess Nordai. Actors, singers and crew are all needed!

Come out and join this year’s fun! Mark your calendars for December 4th. That is the debut of “Ewe’s Clues” at Rosedale.


Courageous Movie Time

Oct 14, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, M&Ms  //  2 Comments

Hello, men! The earliest showing we can safely make it to this Sunday, 10/16  is 3:40pm. The movie is showing at the Regal Harrisburg 14.

Please plan on meeting at Ben Nordai’s by 3:00pm. The adult matinee ticket cost is $7.50.

Just a reminder, the ladies and children are spending the afternoon at the Nordai’s. Following the movie, there will be a potluck dinner there for all the men and ladies.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call, email or see Ben on Sunday morning.



Great Time in the Nation’s Capital!

Oct 13, 2011   //   by Mike Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, M&Ms  //  No Comments

Five men made the trek down to Washington, DC on October 8th. It was a picture perfect day with not a cloud in the sky. We toured the Smithsonian American History Museum and walked the Mall viewing the Washington Memorial (from the outside only), the new WW II Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial Wall, and the Lincoln Memorial.

God protected us from the demonstration and police activity at the Air Space Museum. We were planning to eat lunch in the foodcourt in the Air Space Museum, but we all decided to eat at the cafeteria in the American History Museum and never went to the end of the Mall where the demonstration was taking place. We did not find out about the protest until we saw it that evening on the news after returning home. Praise the Lord; He protected us and our day was not destroyed by those activities. He also gave us a great time  of fellowship travelling to and from and a great meal at the Mountain View Family Restaraunt on the way home. The Lord watched over us and protected us as we travelled.

We are thinking of having another Men’s trip to Washington, DC in the Spring. Plan now to join us!

Mike Nordai


Praying for Your Pastor

Oct 11, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News, Pastor's Corner  //  3 Comments

Hello everyone,

I am selfish in my note to you today.  I am going to ask you to pray specifically for your pastor. I am encouraged and blessed by all the wonderful things that the church family has done for me and is planning to do for me for Pastor’s Appreciation month. The excitement of what God is doing is amazing! I believe we could see revival in each one of our families and our church if we will let God do it.

The Prophet Habakkuk says “I will climb into my watchtower”  He is saying that he was going to get alone with God. I am so thankful for my prayer teams that pray throughout the week. On Friday, being able to pray specifically for the needs of many of you. We all need that watchtower, a place (anyplace) that you can get alone with God. You need a place that is quiet, a place where you will habitually go every time you meet with God. Make it special and make your prayers specific. The Bible says “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

There is nothing more important to me than hearing from God about what He has for my life, my family, and the church that He has allowed me to pastor. If I am to lead this body of believers, I need to hear from God daily. Please keep me in your prayers daily as we seek God’s guidance for the church. Please find that quiet place to ask God what He has for each one of you, and while you are there, please lift up your pastor and the leaders that we might hear from Him and that He would guide us daily. God desires to meet with us, He wants to guide us and use for His honor and His glory. The focus must shift from us to God, and we will see Him do some amazing things! Wow! Would that be a 21st century Pentecost Church! Grant and hear our prayers. Amen.

“I will climb up into my watchtower…” Habakkuk 2:1 (NLT)




What is Sweet and Individually-Wrapped?

Oct 10, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Give up? It’s another way to reach out to the local community!

Trick-or-Treat is scheduled for October 27 in Middletown borough and the surrounding communities. The church would like to provide a sweet treat for children in the community. We will be accepting donations of individually-wrapped candies to make goody bags to hand out that night. We will also put a note in the bags indicating who the bags are from. Since Trick-or-Treat is before Fall Fest, a flyer about Fall Fest will be placed in the bags as well.

This year’s goal is at least 300 goody bags. To put five pieces of candy in each goody bag, we need to receive close to 50 bags of individually wrapped candies. The bin for donations is located in the foyer.

If you are interested in handing out goody bags at your house, helping to fill the bags, or if you have any questions, please contact Jess Nordai via phone, text or email.


An Afternoon with Something for Everyone!

Oct 10, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, M&Ms  //  No Comments

This Sunday, October 16, we will be having a time of fellowship, but doing it a little differently.

First, the men will be going to see the new movie Courageous from the makers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants. Ben will have the showtime listed on Friday evening. The goal is to go to a matinee showing.

While the men are viewing this movie, the ladies (and children) are invited to Ben and Jess Nordai’s for a time of friendship, fun and fellowship. Following the movie and time of fellowship, we’ll have a time of FOOD! The Nordai’s will provide all the paper products. Please plan on bringing a dish and a drink to share. If you cannot bring something, that is fine. There is always a ton of food. Apparently, we all love to eat!!!

If you are planning on attending any of the events this weekend, please let me know via call, text or email. I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!


Front Page Change: Recently-Updated Posts!

Oct 7, 2011   //   by admin   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

We are pleased to annouce that we’ve made a small–but incredibly useful–change to!

You may have noticed the ‘widget’ at the bottom of the front page that listed recently-published posts. Unfortunately, this listing of posts was generated by sorting posts by publish date. This means that if an author updated an older post with new information, it would stay buried at the bottom–or off– of the list.

However, the logic has been updated so that the list is sorted by the date that it is modified. This means that posts updated with new information will appear at the top of the list so you don’t miss a thing!

Happy websurfing!


Men’s Ministry Trip to Washington D.C. October 8th

Oct 5, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News, M&Ms  //  No Comments

Men of the Church!

We are going to Washington this Saturday morning. We will be leaving the church at 7 am and we plan to be back around 7-8pm. The sites to see in the city are free, but we plan to take the Metro into the city and an all-day pass is about $7.00. You will need money for lunch at the food court (McDonald’s), and on the way home, we will be eating at a Smorgasboard in Maryland. If you have any questions, please talk to Mike Nordai or Pastor. Hope to see you there!


Bountiful Blessings Product Drive

Oct 5, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Good morning, church family.

Please remember to bring your nonfood items for Bountiful Blessing sessions. We have containers set up in the foyer area as you come in. We had great success at our last session as we helped 27 families, some from the flooded areas of Middletown and Highspire, and those in need. If you need  a list of items needed, please look at previous posts. If you would like to be a part of this vital ministry, please see Betty Porter or Betty Krieger.


Website SSL (Secure Access) Upgrade

Oct 4, 2011   //   by admin   //   Announcements & General News  //  2 Comments

I’m excited to announce that is getting SSL access!

What is SSL?

SSL is what allows your computer to exchange information with webservers securely. You use SSL everytime you do online banking or purchase something online.

Why SSL?

We are installing this technology onto so that we can guarantee that any personal data shared (name, email address, etc) is securely transferred and is not intercepted by unscrupulous or malevolent users.

What do I have to do? will gain the ability to transfer certain data securely and will intiate such communications as appropriate. Your web browser already knows how to communicate securely and will do so with no extra setup on your part. This change should be invisible to you.

What should I expect?

In the next few days, connection to the website may momentarilly be interrupted as different parts of it are reconfigured. If you have difficulty accessing something, please try again in a few minutes.

Thanks as always and please let me know  if you have any questions!





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