Holy Week Services
2019 Community Day
Community Day 2019 is scheduled for July 6th. Central PA Blood Bank will be onsite accepting donations.
Please check back for updates on who else will be attending. Mark your calendars. You don’t want to miss this fun exciting day!
New Sermon Series
New Sermon Series “Lessons from Job”
Starting January 27th- February 24th at 10:45 am
Who would not like to learn a life lesson by learning it from someone else’s mistakes?
- Want to know why you can be doing everything right and still have trials and problems in your life?
- Just because you do not see God, does it mean He is not working in your life?
- By listening to your friends bad advice can you be out of focus of what is needed for your life?
- God works in mysterious ways. What does that mean for our lives?
Welcome to Rosedale
We a re a church with vision and a calling to reach the people in our community with the great message of the love of Christ. Our mission is “to demonstrate the revitalizing power of Christ’s love by creating a radically-inclusive community focused on breaking the cycle of poverty and marginalization in the Middletown area so that current and future generations are liberated to become disciples of Jesus Christ.”
We are excited to see what is ahead for Rosedale as we move to worship, fellowship, and serve God together. There is a seat for you!
Bountiful Blessings Training session at Rosedale
October 4th, 6:30-8:30 pm, we will be hosting a training session for all those involved and those who would like to be involved in our Bountiful Blessings Inc program. This vital program in our community has reached over 5000 families in the ten years that we have partnered with them. Staff director Ron Orendi will be on hand to explain the paperwork process and session activities so that we can be more efficient and productive for the families in need in the Middletown area. if you have questions, please call the church office. plan to attend and see what blessing you can be to the families in our area.
Community Yard Sale
Don’t forget this Saturday the 29th is our Church Community yard sale in our parking lot located at 1901 Rosedale Avenue, Middletown, Pa. The sale begins at 7:00 am and will run till 12 noon. We will have 20 vendor tables selling their treasures to become your new treasures. Any questions please call the church office.
Community Day 2018
Saturday, July 7th marks our annual Community Day. The event will run 10:00a – 2:00pm.
Central PA Blood Bank will be onsite again this year accepting donations. Anyone who attempts to donate will receive pair of Harrisburg Senators ticket vouchers.
Also this year… an inflatable water slide, obstacle course. Lower Swatara police and fire departments, Mr. Sno-Cone, Members 1st FCU, games, campsite, VBS registration, free food, and more! Come and join us for this day of fun!
Community Day 2018
Saturday, July 7th marks our annual Community Day. The event will run 10:00a – 2:00pm.
Central PA Blood Bank will be onsite again this year accepting donations. Anyone who attempts to donate will receive pair of Harrisburg Senators ticket vouchers.
Also this year… an inflatable water slide, obstacle course. Lower Swatara police and fire departments, Mr. Sno-Cone, Members 1st FCU, games, campsite, VBS registration, free food, and more! Come and join us for this day of fun!
New Sermon Series
I am excited to announce a new sermon series we will be launching at Rosedale in July titled “Love worth finding.” If that title seems to have a familiar ring to it, it is because it is one of our tag lines from our church webpage. We will begin the series on July 1st and continue it through the 29th of July. The theme of all 5 weeks is finding love in different areas of our life. We live in such a busy and distracted life that we can easily miss the things that are most important to us. we can lose track of what our priorities are because of immediate circumstances that overwhelm us and take us off our game. Come join us as we take an honest look at ourselves and discover a Love worth finding.
Pastor Tony
Summer Events
Happy First days of Summer!
We are excited that in a few short weeks we will be hosting our Annual Community Day Event. It is a time for community people to come together and have some fun.On Saturday July 7th at Rosedale Church located at 1901 Rosedale Avenue, Middletown Pa. from 10 am-2 pm, we will have all kinds of great activities for the community free of charge! Come join us as we kick off summer and get ready for Vacation Bible School that starts Monday July 9th-13th from 6:30-9:00 pm. Registration for Vacation Bible School can be done online on our FaceBook page, our church website, or at a Community Day registration table.
These are just some of the activities already planned;
- Inflatables
- Free Hot Dog, chips, and a drink
- Face Painting
- Petting Zoo
- Local Fire and Police and their equipment.
- Blood Bank
- Members First Bank
- Morning Star Pregnancy Agency
Mark your calendars for August 12th -Rosedale Back to School Bash. More information to follow next month.
Any questions, please call the church office at 717-939-3740