Browsing articles in "Announcements & General News"

Annual Church Picnic

Aug 9, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

Come out and enjoy a time of fellowship and fun at this year’s church picnic! Saturday, August 27 from 11:00am until 2:00pm we will be at the church for a refreshing afternoon.

The church will provide the paper products and grill. You are asked to bring your own meat to grill and a side and drink to share. I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Kids Reaching Kids

Jul 27, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

Throughout the week of VBS the kids were collecting for the Kids Reaching Kids project. This year those monies are going toward purchasing school supplies, materials and scholarships for students at Nazarene schools and child development centers. The kids raised $509.44!

I think we can do more. If you’re interested in helping in this worthwhile cause, designate the amount on your tithe envelope or check for Kids Helping Kids. Together we can make a difference for students who need to have the ingredients necessary for a successful school year!


VBS Closing Program

Jul 25, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

We had 25 chefs in training come out to show their moms and dads what they learned at Shake it Up Cafe. It was an amazing time.

They shared about the Bible stories they learned, their secret ingredients and the songs they sang. Scraps the raccoon joined us and even Chef Otto came to share with the kids and families one last time.

Our chefs were raising money for the Kids Helping Kids project during VBS. This year the money would go towards purchasing school supplies, materials and scholarships to students at Nazarene schools and Child Development Centers. There was a contest between the boys and girls. The boys WON! All together over $500 was raised for this program. Never underestimate the power of kids!

Over 1500 pictures were taken throughout the week. A video was compiled out of about 500 of those pictures. Look for the video to be posted soon. Also we will soon add a photo gallery of as many photos as possible. Thank you for your prayers and we look forward to another amazing week next year.

Stay tuned to for up to date information about our upcoming activities! I look forward to seeing all my new friends again soon!


New Website Launch!

Welcome to the New and Improved Rosedale Church of the Nazarene website!

Whether you’re the pastor or a parishioner, a long-time member or a guest, you’ll find lots to do here!

Brand New to Rosedale? You’ll find information about who we are, what we stand for, and where to find us!

Join Us for Worship! Check out our service times and event calendar. We look forward to seeing you!

Stay in the Know! Read the latest church and ministry news as published by your brothers and sisters in Christ here at Rosedale!

Get Plugged In! Learn about our ministries and and how you can get involved!

Share and Remember! Browse picture and video galleries of past church events.

Hear the Word! Miss a Sunday? (We missed you too!) Download Pastor Tony’s latest sermon or a bulletin!

Ministry or Department Leader? Keep the Church Family and the community informed of what you’re up to!

…And much, much more to come!

Are you a part of the Church Family here at Rosedale?

If so, you’ll want to register as soon as you can so that you’ll have access to all of the congregation-only areas. You don’t have to be a member of the church; if you join us for worship, then you’re a part of our church family–both offline and online! Simply use the Regiester link in the middle of the page at the bottom and complete the form; your registration will be confirmed and you will be granted special access to the website within 24-48 hours.

Please feel free to explore, download, and post comments on items you see here. Our website is only as useful as we choose to use it!

Have a question? Suggestion? Need access to something you should have? Let us know!


Shake it Up Cafe Recap

Jul 23, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

Shake it Up Cafe was a HUGE success. 49 children came out to learn what God’s recipe for living really is. But the fun isn’t over just yet.

Sunday night, July 24 at 6:30pm is the closing cook-out at the cafe. Please come out to support the kids in showing what they have learned throughout the week.

An offering will be taken for the Kids Helping Kids mission program. Through this program school supplies and materials are purchased for students in five different languages. Our kids have been collecting all week and have raised almost $300!

Join us Sunday for a time of fun, music and food! And get ready to SHAKE IT UP!


Time is Running Out!

Jul 21, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

There are just two more days to enjoy time together at Shake it Up Cafe! I’m going to miss all the new friends I’ve made so far…

BUT, there is still time to make more friends! Come out Thursday and Friday night to see Scraps the raccoon, sings songs, play games, make crafts, eat scrumptious food and learn more about how to shake up your life!

We hope to see you tonight at 6:30pm to start shaking it up!


Van Ministry

Jul 20, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News  //  No Comments

The church is looking for someone to take ownership of our Van Ministry.

The duties would include transporting people to and from Sunday School and Morning Worship. As more volunteers come forward, there could be a schedule set up on a weekly basis.On special events like Vacation Bible school or District workshops, it would be on an as-needed basis.

Anyone interested in being a blessing in this way should see Pastor Tony or one of the board members.


Shake it Up Cafe!

Jul 18, 2011   //   by Jess Nordai   //   Announcements & General News, Children  //  No Comments

The chefs in training surprised us all! There were more than 30 chefs at Shake it Up Cafe to learn about some super special secret ingredients!

If you missed out on the fun tonight, there are still 4 MORE NIGHTS to join us. If you are ages 3 – 12, come out to Shake it Up Cafe from 6:30 – 9:00 Tuesday through Friday. There are more ingredients to learn, songs to sing, and crafts to be made.

We look forward to seeing you and seeing you SHAKE IT UP!


Vacation Bible School

Jul 18, 2011   //   by Pastor Tony Zibolski   //   Announcements & General News  //  2 Comments

As I watched so many people working hard Sunday to prepare for the week of Shake It Up, I was so proud to be pastoring a group of people that desire to make an impact. I am praying that we have a tremendous turnout and that we change the lives of all we come in contact with. God Bless you as you faithfully serve Him!

Pastor Tony




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